How to Upload Your Own Personal Loot Filter for Path of Diablo

Past editing the "item filter" file located in your Path Of Diablo installation folder, you can create a set of rules which volition alter the mode loot is displayed.

You lot can detect loot filters made by other players and download instructions at List of Loot Filters.


  • 1 Basics
    • Detail Codes
    • 1.2 Colour Codes
    • 1.3 Value References
    • 1.4 Hiding Items
    • 1.5 Dominion Priority
    • Conditions
    • 1.7 Logical Operators
  • 2 Credits


Item Codes

All items in the game have an id code. Below are a few examples:

Code Item
tsc Scroll of Boondocks Portal
rvs Rejuvenation Potion
pk1 Key of Terror
cx5 Orb of Corruption

Meet more codes at Loot Filtration Codes

If yous would like to rename "Curlicue of Boondocks Portal" to a much shorter "TP" then you would type: ItemDisplay[tsc]: TP

You lot tin too add together more text to an item. If you want to call up which boss drops which uber key and then you would type: ItemDisplay[pk1]: Key of Terror (Countess)

Color Codes

You tin likewise change the colour of the item name using color codes. Beneath are a few case colors:

Code Colour
 %Green% Fontgreen.png
 %DGREEN% Fontdgreen.png
 %Gold% Fontgold.png
 %TAN% Fonttan.png

Meet more than codes at Loot Filtration Codes

If you would like to alter the colour of the Horadric Cube to purple and then you would type: ItemDisplay[box]: %PURPLE%Horadric Cube

You can likewise use multiple colors within a single detail. For example if you lot desire the discussion "Horadric" to be yellow and "Cube" to be purple you would type: ItemDisplay[box]: %Xanthous%Horadric %PURPLE%Cube

Value References

Sometimes you want to call upon a value in the game to show the role player. Beneath are a few examples:

Code Output
 %Cost% Selling toll of the particular
 %ILVL% Item level
 %SOCKETS% Testify the item's socket count

See more codes at Loot Filtration Codes

If you lot want to show the selling price of an detail using a dollar sign ($100) every bit a prefix you would type: ItemDisplay[gpm]: ($%PRICE%) Choking Gas Potion

The same thing can be washed to prove the particular level {L99} as a suffix: ItemDisplay[cm3]: %Proper noun% {Fifty%ILVL%}

Hiding Items

When you want to hide an item, you simply leave the space behind the colon (:) empty.

So for example if yous desire to hide Antidote potions (yps) you lot would type: ItemDisplay[yps]:

This tells the game to display Antidote potions as nothing, which hides the item.

Rule Priority

The higher the rule in your filter file, the higher priority it will have.

This means if on the first line of your item filter you choose to hide all Spears but then on Line two you choose to show Spears with 6 sockets then the result is no spear will ever show.

In this example, you would alter their location within the file. Then show 6 socket spears on Line 1 and hibernate all spears on Line 2. This will hibernate all Spears except those with vi sockets.


  • >
  • <
  • =

Using Greater than >, Less than < and Equal to = volition help add conditions to rules.

You lot may desire to hibernate gilt stacks that are not worth your time (stacks beneath 1000g) by typing: ItemDisplay[Gilded<g]:

Logical Operators

You tin can apply logical operators whenever you want to testify an particular only if a certain condition is met. Below are all the options:

  • AND
  • OR
  •  ! (logic negation)

If yous want to show all polearms (WP8) with iv or five sockets then you would type: ItemDisplay[WP8 (SOCK>3 AND SOCK<six)]: %Name%

This same rule can be written in a different way: ItemDisplay[WP8 !SOCK=0 !SOCK=i !SOCK=2 !SOCK=3 !SOCK=half dozen]: %Proper name%

The first one says "Evidence me all polearms with more than than iii simply less than vi sockets" whereas the second says "Show me all polearms but not ones with 0, 1, ii, 3 or 6 sockets".

It is important to keep AND & OR inside their own subclass gear up. For example: (SOCK>iii OR SOCK=1). This is non required for logic negation (!)


QoL Features for PoD by Dav92. This tool is based on lawmaking from McGoD, underbent and Deadlock39 (did I forget anyone?)


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